Meet Til, the days-old earless baby bunny from Saxony in Germany. Spiegel Online reports, “The future had looked so bright for tiny Til, a baby rabbit born without ears three weeks ago in a small zoo in Limbach-Oberfrohna in Saxony, eastern Germany. Earless rabbits are very rare, and that factor combined with his cuteness would surely have made him a media celebrity.
But at 17-days-old, the rabbit with a genetic defect, was plastered across German newspapers on Thursday, the same day a small zoo in Saxony was to have presented him to the world at a press conference, reports Stuff. The cameraman told Bild newspaper he had not seen Til, who had buried himself in hay, when he took the fateful step backwards on Wednesday. Here is what happened next in the words of Uwe Dempewolf, the director of the zoo:
“We are all shocked. During the filming, the cameraman took a step back and trod on the bunny,” Dempewolf said. “He was immediately dead, he didn’t suffer. It was a direct hit. No one could have foreseen this. Everyone here is upset. The cameraman was distraught.”
A day later, Google tells me there’s 321 articles on this tragedy. The World mourns.
And yet as at 2002, it is reported that 91-93% of preborn babies in Europe diagnosed with Down Syndrome are killed intentionally by this thing we call abortion. Down Syndrome is a chromosomal condition caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. That is to say, just like the baby bunny, a baby with Down Syndrome has a defect. Individuals with Down syndrome usually have low intelligence, such as to constitute mild to moderate intellectual disability, Wikipedia tells me.
What the hell.
A disabled bunny is accidentally killed and the media goes wild, memorializing its tragic death.
A disabled human is accidentally NOT killed, and her parents go wild:
“An Oregon couple has won a $3 million settlement from a Portland hospital they sued after doctors missed diagnosing their daughter’s Down’s syndrome before she was born, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to abort her. As reported by the Oregonian newspaper, Ariel and Deborah Levy insisted that they would have aborted daughter Kalanit, who is now four years old, had Portland’s Legacy Health hospital informed them of her disability.”
Ariel & Deborah Levy. If you’re reading this, you need to know that you are not worthy of your beautiful daughter. What you are worthy of, is a conviction of “intent to kill”, and being locked away for the rest of your miserable, selfish little lives. You claim to love your daughter, yet in the same breath you say you wish that she had been killed prior to being placed in your arms. What useless, pathetic, nihilistic, heartless, brainless parents you are. Your four-year-old daughter with Down Syndrome has a superior moral compass to you both.
And to the rest of you reading this who are not Kalanit’s parents: are you proud of the society you live in? The society where less than 10% of babies diagnosed with this mild disability escape the pathetic fate of being destroyed, dismembered and discarded before birth? The World that kills 120,000 of its most helpless citizens every day; the World that kills over 46 million of its most innocent citizens year after year?
If you’re ok with that, please be my guest and go chill with Ariel & Deborah Levy at the club for people with disabled brains.
If you’re not ok with that, for your own sake, and for the next generation, open your mouth for the speechless, and work with me as we make abortion unthinkable!
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