On March 1, 2011, Army of God member Rick Ellis posted the following video on YouTube.
In it, he states,
“Abby Johnson… is a criminal… [she] has broken several laws, admittedly so in the public. The first one being, she claims that while she was the director of Planned Parenthood in Bryan, Texas Station, that she signed off on an abortion for an eleven-year-old girl. That is a violation of the law. And also she claims to have been involved in sex trafficking and providing services for sex slaves…”

It is true that Abby is guilty of having been involved in the abortion industry. However – like at least 95% of mothers who have their child aborted, Abby was lied to by the Planned Parenthood hierarchy as to the true nature of abortion. It was not until Abby witnessed an ultrasound-guided abortion being committed with her own eyes that she realized the evil that she was involved in. The next day Abby quit her job at the baby-killing mill, for good.
If Abby did indeed sign off for an abortion for an eleven-year-old, and if she gave advice and contraceptives to sex-slaves, this is nothing all that out of the ordinary for a Planned Parenthood clinic – as the Live Action stings have shown, time after time, after time. Sure, it’s reprehensible to be involved in illegal dealings at an abortion clinic – but when her conscience finally did get the better of her, Abby wasted no time getting out of there.
In the video, Ellis then holds up a piece of paper with the phone number for the Bryan, Texas Police Station. He asks watchers,
“Please call this number and request an investigation be launched on Abby Johnson, because she has publicly claimed to have broken the law… This isn’t about Abby Johnson, this is about an eleven-year-old girl that she claims that she criminally was involved in conspiracy to abort her child, and has claimed to be in conspiracy to aid and abet sex-trafficking”
Note that Ellis emphasizes that this is not about Abby, rather it is about justice for the girl. He makes this assertion at least once more during the video. But is it really about the girl? Read on…
Later in the video Ellis appears to become incensed, and calls Abby a predator and a monster, “that everyone wants to claim is a big pro-life hero”. He goes on to state, “This monster aborted an eleven-year-old girl and put her back in the abusive situation.”
That’s not a typo. At least three times in the video, Ellis mistakenly states that the eleven-year-old girl was aborted. In the above statement, Ellis not only accuses Abby of being a predatory monster, he also incorrectly asserts that Abby personally killed the pre-born child.

Then he changes tack, stating,
“Quite frankly, I’m gonna tell you, I believe the story to be false – so either she needs to recant of this false story, or she needs to turn that information over to the authorities…”
The above statement further clarifies Ellis’ genuine motive in publishing his video. He does not believe that Abby broke the law – he thinks she’s lying. Why does he think Abby is lying? On Jan. 11, 2011, he stated, “Truth means nothing to a phony opportunist , who is out to make a buck and get back at an employer who was tired of substandard job preformance.“ On Feb. 14, 2011, he referred to her as “Abby the phony Johnson”. On June 5, 2011 he called her an arsonist following her support for an incrementalist sonogram bill.
How can it be all “about the eleven-year-old girl” as Ellis claims, if in fact, there was no eleven-year-old girl? His stated reason for calling for the investiation into Abby’s claims is absurd and illogical.
Ellis then does a good job of alienating all pro-lifers who value Abby’s contribution to the pro-life movement with the following angry statement,
“I am sick and tired of these so-called pro-lifers making heroes out of these criminals… The pro-life movement is so duped by this criminal – they’re willing to let her make a big living off of us.”
You have got to be kidding. Does Ellis truly think that Abby is better off financially having left her job as director of a Planned Parenthood clinic – throwing away her career, and joining the pro-life movement?
It is quite clear. Rick Ellis does not like Abby. He refuses to accept that she is genuine, and that she has not repented – insists that she is in this for the money. Instead he is intent on crucifying her. Shame on you Rick Ellis.
Abby has stated on her facebook page that Ellis has called for her execution; he is a member of the Army of God which supports and plans the executions of abortionists and other people that they deem to be of prominence in the pro-choice community. This just makes me sad. We as pro-lifers can’t even stand together on this, and some people want to kill others? Ellis obviously does not understand the trauma that Abby went through and he obviously hasn’t read her book either.
Zicana, you’re full of it, just like Abby is. Rick has NEVER called for Abby’s execution. Tell her to show you some evidence that he did, or that he is a “member” of the Army of God. (I don’t think Christ hands out membership cards.)
Andy, you’re full of it, too. Watch the video if you want to know why Rick wants to see her questioned about her involvement in these things. He has actual evidence against her which includes her own videotaped admission, still displayed on youtube.
Showing Abby’s innocent looking face contrasted with Rick’s maybe not innocent looking face, doesn’t prove anyone’s innocence or guilt, it just shows the shallowness of any of your readers who believe your and Abby’s misleading propaganda.
Your failure to allow my previous comment only shows what a dishonest cowardly jackass you are. If you had any confidence in your own argument you could handle a little criticism.
Rick Ellis may not have called for the execution of Abby Johnson, but he has called for the execution of abortionists. True pro-lifers DO NOT KILL or ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO KILL. He is what gives pro-lifers a bad name. He is what makes people mistakenly think we are violent people….which we ARE NOT. We pray in front of abortion clinics. We protest. We pass pro-life legislation. We elect pro-life people to office. We volunteer in pro-life pregnancy help centers…but we do NOT play God and we do NOT kill. We have no right to decide who lives and who dies. And the worst thing about Mr. Ellis, is that he attempts to get others to commit these violent acts…he doesn’t even do them himself. He talks the talk, but he certainly does not walk the walk. He is in no way pro-life and we do not associate ourselves with him. He is an absolute disgrace and is no better than abortionists themselves.
Eh, Nancy – I’m not just sitting around here twiddling my thumbs waiting for comments to come through… Just logged into my blog’s dashboard now & approved both your comments.
Nice language.
Rick – I will not approve comments which include personal attacks against anyone but myself. Thank you.
Rick Ellis is an unstable man who has Rev. Spitz from Army of God listed as his brother on his FB page and vice versa. The link I posted proves he’s part of Army of God just as you are Nancy Uhden.