A lone sidewalk counselor at a Cherry Hill abortion center is suffering from serious injuries after a young man driving his pregnant wife to the abortion facility reportedly struck the counselor and ran him over. But the victim’s wife says that the event probably saved a life, as she believes she was able to persuade the man afterwards not to have his unborn child killed…
…Tina Krail, who was badly shaken when she arrived on the scene, said she then had a chance to confront the man along with his pregnant wife.
“I thought, ‘What would Jesus do?” she told LifeSiteNews. “So I walked over and I said, ‘Hon, I’d like to talk to you. I forgive you for hitting my husband.’ And he said, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ and his whole face just changed.
“Then I said: ‘I want you to look at me in the eyes. I’ve been where you’re at, and I can tell you my husband also forgives you, and he probably wants me to tell you that if one broken leg would save your child, he would do it over again.
– read the full report at www.lifesitenews.com
that was amazing of her to say that.