“Dear Andy,” began the email from NARAL Pro-Choice Texas‘s Executive Director Sara Cleveland, “Happy Mother’s Day from your friends at NARAL Pro-Choice Texas!” The email continued:
“We’d like to thank all of the mothers out there for their tireless giving and for the great job they did raising us to be men and women who work hard for reproductive rights.
It’s likely that your mom doesn’t need a new cardigan, some flowers that will wilt in a few days, or a gift certificate to a restaurant she’ll lose before she uses it. What better way to honor mom on Mother’s Day than to make a gift in her name to an organization that fights hard for the rights of mothers across the state of Texas? By donating at the $35 level in honor of your mother, you will secure a year-long membership to NARAL Pro-Choice Texas in her name…”
The irony is so thick that I can hardly breathe.
A mother is one who embraces motherhood. Motherhood is about giving birth to, nurturing and protecting babies in order to give them the most love, and the best possible start in life.
NARAL on the other hand, exists solely to destroy motherhood. NARAL encourages pregnant mothers to end their child’s life with abortion. That unfortunate woman is still a mother, but she is a mother of a dead child. Of course NARAL attempts to side-step the reality of abortion by claiming that they seek to improve the mother’s quality of life by assisting her to have her child killed before birth. Perhaps in order to enable her to be a better mother to the children she already has. Or perhaps because she is not yet ready to be a mother, and it would be best if she were able to wait a few more years before starting a family.
But is it ethical to kill one child in a family in order that the other children may have a better quality of life? And is it acceptable for a mother’s preborn child to be killed today in order that she may have “more time” to prepare for bringing a child into the World?
Do you share NARAL’s idea of a happy mother’s day?
“Better quality of life” ? Yes, imagine THAT conversation:
(Dad) “Merry Christmas, son! You know, your little brother paid for that expensive new bike with his life.”
(Son) “What???”
(Dad) “Well sure…if we’d had HIM, we couldn’t have afforded to buy you the bike.”