Yesterday Prolife NZ made a press release, calling for the Abortion Supervisory Committee to refuse the Family Planning Association’s application for a licence to perform abortions at their 30 clinics throughout New Zealand. Click here to read the press release. quickly picked up on the press release, alerting US readers to the situation here in New Zealand. Below is an excerpt from their article, and you can click here to read the full article, where they continue, discussing Right to Life’s case against the Abortion Supervisory Committee currently underway in the High Court.
A pro-life group in New Zealand is mounting public opposition to a bid by the Family Planning Council to distribute the dangerous abortion drug mifepristone. FPC says abortion should be more available across the island nation and it wants to distribute the drug that has killed women worldwide.
The council has submitted an application to the Abortion Supervisory Committee for a license to distribute the abortion pill.
Mifepristone, also known as RU 486, has killed more than a dozen women worldwide and injured more than 1,400 in the United States alone.
Andy Moore, the director of Pro-Life New Zealand, says his group is opposed to granting the application to provide the abortion drug at its 30 locations in part because FPC is allowed in New Zealand schools.
“It is unethical for a group to be in our schools promoting abortion as a preferable option, and then turning around and offering the service at their clinics,” he said.
-Life News, 23 March 2009
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