Yesterday I launched It has been two years in the making and has widespread support throughout the pro-life movement here in the United States. We put out a press release which you can read here: AbortionWiki Launch to Shine Light on Global Abortion Industry. I just saw an article someone had written about the launch of AbortionWiki, and enjoyed it so much that I am posting an excerpt from it below:
“Sir Francis Bacon said it best when he wrote, ‘Knowledge is power,’” says AbortionWikiDirector, Andy Moore. “AbortionWiki makes use of this power by documenting the U.S. and international abortion industry and lobby on one wiki-based website.” (The Orate Frates, January 19, 2012)
AbortionWiki is a new website that was just launched…yesterday, on January 19th!
What is AbortionWiki’s goal? According to their website:
“AbortionWiki aims to be the reference of choice for all information relating to abortion. The act of abortion has killed more individual humans than all genocides or natural disasters in history put together. While AbortionWiki takes an unashamed pro-life stance, we also recognise that fact is fact. The truth supports the pro-life position and so for our benefit and for the benefit of all people we will enforce stringent referencing on all statements…”
I thought it was quite interesting that Sir Francis Bacon was quoted by Andy Moore, the Director of AbortionWiki. Sir Francis Bacon was born on January 22, 1561 and the 39th anniversary of Roe v Wade is this Sunday, January 22nd.
And, what has [Sir Francis Bacon] had to say regarding the Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States?
Turning around this one thing, beloved, can be a staying action on all other predictions that I have given you concerning nuclear war and earth changes. The stopping of the slaying of innocents–this is the key to the reprieve and the key to the mercy out of the heart of Mother Mary as she does intercede for the nations before the throne of grace. ~ Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the New Millennium, pages 275-276.
Sir Francis Bacon also said, “Silence is the virtue of fools.”
When it comes to the issue of abortion and the defense of innocent life, I most definitely agree with him.
Head over to where you can read up on all things related to abortion.
AbortionWiki is a great idea and I applaud your hard work.
However, I do have a couple critical points (there’s always someone, isn’t there?). Your “What is AbortionWiki?” inset has at least one misspelling – recognise instead of recognize. That sort of thing is bound to happen but looks bad on the main page’s intro. Also, you already have 400 articles – there’s no way one person can keep up with the necessary editing. One of the advantages of wikis is that they can allow volunteers to help with the workload. At a minimum, your site really needs discussion capability – right now, it isn’t even possible to join, let alone post.
I realize you are going to have substantial moderation issues – the very nature of the wiki insures that it will be hostilely attacked – but you really need some way of allowing volunteers to help you. My unsolicited advise is to find people you already know, on or offline, and can trust to form your moderation team. They can then help grow your wiki community and with the considerable manpower volunteers can provide make AbortionWiki the force to be reckoned with that you clearly intend it to be.
Again, congratulations on a wonderful concept and the hard work that brought it to fruition.
we will be opening up the “discussion” pages to the general public – this is something I need to sort out shortly.
it is possible to join, however this will be done through the AbortionWiki leadership – as we have to vet everyone who wishes to join in order to ensure they are not seeking to use the site to spread misinformation.
In the coming weeks, as people start to join, we will start to put together the beginning of a moderators team.
thanks for your comment!
Cool and you’re more than welcome.