“That’s how far this country and this Planet is off the tracks. When somebody is thanked for standing up and saying “let’s not kill people” – we are way, way further down the road than you think we are. And I’m tired of it.” – Glenn Beck, 12 August, 2011
Click here for the full video clip which was taken from Glenn Beck’s radio show on 12 August, 2011 where he was discussing Ron Paul’s comments on Iran and nuclear weapons. Ron Paul is rock solid on almost everything – his major failing is his somewhat naive policy on National Security – he’s an isolationist – whereas I believe a better policy would be non-interventionalism. I digress.
Watching Glenn’s video I was struck by the above comment he made. He expresses a sentiment that I have held for a while. Specifically, I am nauseated by the fact that young people, young children in our society today are burdened with the duty of speaking up for their pre-born brothers and sisters – pleading with their government to stop the murder of these innocents through the evil of abortion.
This greatest of all social injustices is empirically wrong, and yet fiercely defended by so many. People ignore the evil of abortion. The evangelical Church on the whole doesn’t say anything about abortion. It’s just avoided because it makes people uncomfortable. The fact that relatively few in our society speak out against abortion is the reason that this evil continues.
Sometimes I am thanked – usually by other Christians – for speaking against abortion. The unspoken implication is – that it is abnormal to be actively pro-life. Sure – there’s the whole – “I’m a Christian… of course I’m pro-life” thing. The cancer that abortion flourishes on. The opinion I held before I learned the truth about abortion.
Fighting tooth and nail against the mass-slaughter of untold millions of pre-born children is normal. I am normal. Those of you doing nothing are abnormal. Don’t thank me for doing my duty and then carry on with your day.
Don’t thank me. Join me.
I don’t believe in abortion for the types of people that just don’t know how to use contraceptives. But for teenagers and rape victims I do believe in abortion.
You can’t say ” I don’t agree with abortion”, and then underline some circumstances in which you consider abortion to be acceptable. You’re either for it, or against it.