A guest post by Mary Rose Short, member of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust‘s Campus Life Team.
I want to be normal again. Day after day, week after week, I live my life as an “extremist.” Everywhere I go I’m told that I’m disgusting. Passersby treat me rudely, as if I’m less than human. Scarcely anyone is happy to see me when they realize what I represent.
Even those who profess to be pro-life usually don’t want me to reveal the truth about abortion — at least not through graphic images, or not on that particular day, or not in that particular place. I, along with the rest of the Campus Life Tours team, am ostracized by society. We lead lonely lives. I want to be normal again.
Sometimes I try to imagine living like everyone else — without the spectre of abortion hanging over my every waking moment.
It would be nice to go through an entire day without thinking about tiny babies being cruelly torn limb from limb in their mothers’ wombs. Saturdays would be a lot more fun if I wasn’t hyper-sensitized to the fact that most abortions are done that day. Church would be more peaceful if I wasn’t chafing over the fact that the pastor neglected to mention abortion — again. My friends would talk to me again without worrying that I would make them uncomfortable about their lack of action. I would never get flipped off for merely standing with a sign.
Sometimes I wonder: what if I did take a less extreme part in the pro-life movement? What if?
Well, I simply cannot. We, the Campus Life Team, ARE the normal ones. Thousands of babies are slaughtered every day in our country. The normal, human response to the slaughter of children is a determination to do everything possible to save their lives and to expose the evil for others to see. Those who do nothing to end it are the abnormal ones.
Everyone should be out on the streets drawing attention to the horror of abortion. Babies are being killed, and some argue that graphic images are too extreme?! Those who live at peace with the bloodshed are the extremists!
I am so glad that, through Survivors, I am able to do more than simply believe abortion is murder. I am able to live out my belief. Through events like summer camp, the International ProLife Youth Conference, and Campus Life Tours, Survivors is equipping more and more youth to live their lives as normal people — as people who will not rest until abortion is abolished in our country.