October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and Brendan Malone at the Semper Vita blog writes of elephants obscured by miles and miles of pink ribbon,
Despite all the pink ribbons, posters and public monuments bathed in pink strobe lights after dark, there are some very large elephants standing in the breast cancer corner that no one wants to acknowledge, let alone talk about. What am I referring to? The link between oral contraceptives and increased rates of breast cancer, the link between abortion and the increased rates of breast cancer, and the fact that delaying your first pregnancy increases your risk of breast cancer.
…There are a multitude of studies (28 at last count) which show a definite link between abortion and a subsequent increased risk of breast cancer. This increased risk appears to associated with the cellular changes which occur within the female breasts during pregnancy (in preparation for milk production), that are violently interrupted by an abortion, which leaves dormant cells, and high levels of pregnancy hormones for the body to deal with. The research shows that miscarriage carries an increased risk of breast cancer as well, but it is still nowhere near as high as it is with an abortion. (continue reading)
To their shame, the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation does not seek to raise awareness to this link meaning that women are not provided with all the information necessary to make an informed decision about whether to go ahead with an abortion or not.
Brendan Malone is not a doctor nor a medical researcher: he’s a Catholic prolifer passing on lies about abortion,
There is no link between breast cancer and abortion.
Breast Cancer Foundations do not “seek to raise awareness” because those charities actually deal with the real causes and real effects of breast cancer: they’re not in t he business of using breast cancer as a scary monster to frighten women off having an abortion, as prolifers are.
Brendan Malone is not a doctor – must one be a doctor to read and comment on studies on the link between abortion and breast cancer? Are you a doctor?
Abortion is not wrong because it increases risk of breast cancer – it is wrong because it kills a pre-born child. However it is valid to alert women to this increased risk.
Brendan Malone is not a doctor – must one be a doctor to read and comment on studies on the link between abortion and breast cancer?
Nope. But quoting and requoting non-medical studies based on anti-choice lies won’t make them true. There is no link between abortion and breast cancer: it’s a lie.
Abortion is not wrong because it increases risk of breast cancer
Abortion is not wrong. Abortion – whether spontaneous or induced miscarriage – is the name given to termination of pregnancy. Forced abortion is as wrong as forced pregnancy. It is not wrong for a woman to choose abortion: how could it be? Her body, her choice. Prolife clains to be concerned about induced abortion “killing preborn children” are (a) biological nonsense, a fetus is not a child, and (b) demonstrably lies: prolifers are strongly linked with massive attacks on the welfare of fetuses in all respects, and show zero interest in preventing abortions.
However it is valid to alert women to this increased risk.
It isn’t even close to “valid” to bear false witness about abortion and breast cancer in the hope that these lies may scare a woman off from having an abortion.