The bill to remove abortion from the Crimes Act of the state of Victoria, Australia, has passed its third and final reading in the lower house. After a marathon session of Parliament MPs voted 48 in favour and 28 against legalising abortion in the Australian state. –
Below is a small excerpt from the article at Life Site News.
“Liberal frontbencher Martin Dixon told the house of his very personal reason for vehemently opposing late-term abortions: his daughter, Monique, was born after just 22½ weeks’ gestation. Monique, he said, was “really doing quite well” during her first day of life, but her condition quickly deteriorated and she lived only one more day.
“In the two days of Monique’s life she was a person,” Mr Dixon told a hushed house. “She was a daughter, she was a sister, she was a granddaughter and she was a niece. She reacted to us, she reacted to light, she reacted to touch, she held my finger and she was a person.”“Even at 16 weeks our daughter made her presence felt in my wife’s womb and had, we felt, a personality of her own,” he said.”
Related posts: Australia: Murder to be Mandatory, Australia: “Abortion up til Birth” to be Introduced
Update (16 September 12:30am): A good article on this over at Constant Joy, including a video of Gianna Jessen’s terrifyingly motivating speech given in Parliament House, Victoria, Australia.