Women on Waves is a Dutch organization which seeks to provide abortion access in countries where “safe abortion” is not available. Rebecca Gomperts, director of Women on Waves published a picture on Facebook outlining the procedure by which a mother could obtain an illegal Misoprostol abortion:
However Facebook removed the picture from Gomperts’ profile, and her account was suspended.
After complaints from pro-abortion activists, Facebook apologized. That’s right, they apologized for deleting self-abortion instructions from their own website:
“I wanted to take a moment to reach out to you in regards to the warning that you received from Facebook on Thursday. The photo that was removed from your profile is not in violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, and appears to have been removed in error. We do apologize for the removal of this content and the subsequent warning that you received…”
Which is odd, because Facebook did not apologize to me after locking me out of my account for two days for the crime of posting A PHOTO of what an early abortion does to a preborn child. But I digress.
On Jan. 2, 2011, in response to the Women on Waves incident, the Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand shared a link to the story, expressing their support of their work:
Writing for Live Action, Jennie Stone calls Women on Waves out for what it is,
It’s called “Women on Web,” and they’ll even ship abortion pills to you if the procedure is not legal where you live. If a woman experiences problems during the chemical abortion, the site explains “You do not have to tell the medical staff that you tried to induce an abortion; you can tell them that you had a spontaneous miscarriage… The symptoms of a miscarriage and an abortion with pills are exactly the same and the doctor will not be able to see or test for any evidence of an abortion, as long as the pills have completely dissolved.” It’s not just that this is all an illegal act — it’s incredibly dangerous for women.
…They encourage women to illegally obtain the powerful drug Misoprostol, promote instructions on how to self-induce abortions, and encourage women to lie to their doctors about it if they encounter a problem. That doesn’t sound pro-women’s-lives.
To obtain the abortion pills, Women on Wave’s Facebook page tells women to “go to the pharmacy, buy 12 tablets of Misoprostol. (say it is for your grandmother with arthritis).” After explaining step-by-step how to ingest the pills, the page warns that if women experience complications, “you have to go to the doctor (you can say you had a miscarriage).”
It seems like abortion-rights groups are at odds with each other over the issue of self-abortion. Even ardently pro-abortion rights groups like the National Abortion Federation denounce attempting to self-abort, stating that doing so “can be very dangerous to your life…You may injure yourself or die if you attempt to self-abort.”
The Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand is known to be a radical organization with an extremist agenda of decriminalizing abortion in New Zealand – but now we also know that they are so desperate for mothers to be able to have their babies killed in utero, that they’re supporting the extremely unsafe practice of self-abortion, carried out without specialist oversight.
Which is why myself and a group of friends are working to Expose ALRANZ.
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