The Jerusalem Post reports…
“A couple from Kafr Yasif in the Galilee received the shock of their lives Monday when the wife’s miscarried 610-gram fetus, which had been declared dead five hours earlier, was found to be breathing.
The baby girl, born during the 23rd week of gestation, still has an uncertain future. Hospital spokesman Ziv Farber said that any premature infant of that weight and age had only a 10 percent chance for survival. But five years ago, he added, “we had a baby weighing only 580 grams, and she survived.”
The 26-year-old mother and her husband have a five-year-old son at home. When she gave birth after going into premature labor at the hospital, the doctor on the scene pronounced it dead and it was taken to the morgue. The father, Ali Majdub, told Channel 2 that his wife realized the child was alive after asking to see her dead daughter one last time. “When we unwrapped the baby to see her, she realized it was moving. I began screaming and ran with it toward the doctors,” he said. She was then rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit, where doctors are fighting for her life”
And still the pro-abortion camp whines “but it wasn’t viable, it had no right to live!”. Well, who are you to determine who lives and who dies? Click here for a video showing the growth of an unborn baby.
Update (20 Aug 08, 11am): Baby who ‘came back to life’ dies – after six hours in the hospital cooler! Video here.
My family and I have been following this sad story and it grieves our heart. We first heard about it on our favorite site, Vision Forum (Doug Phillip’s Blog)and we just couldn’t believe it. Our prayers go out to this family.
Thanks for your comment. It was Doug’s blog where I picked up on this story. It is tragic isn’t it, but how often must this be happening? The doctors just couldn’t be bothered to check if the baby was alive. And why? Because human life is not sacred to them.
Very sad 🙁