yet another excellent article from
NZ behind UN resolution to abolish death penalty – TBR. CC
Helen Clark and her government are behind efforts at the UN to abolish the death penalty. She said;
"Capital punishment is the ultimate form of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The death penalty violates the right to life and is by definition and in practice a cruel and degrading treatment. It is known to have been inflicted on the innocent. Its very nature means it cannot be reversed."
She just as easily could have said "Abortion is the ultimate form of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Abortion violates the right to life and is by definition and in practice a cruel and degrading treatment. It is always inflicted on the innocent. Its very nature means it cannot be reversed." Of course she didn't say that the but the arguments are more relevant for abortion than they are for the Death Penalty. In fact at least the assholes who are executed by and large deserved it having committed heinous crimes, babies on the other hand have committed nothing more than being an inconvenience to the potential mother.
How sanctimonious of Clark to be railing against the Death Penalty while the access to open abortions kills off thousands of potential Kiwi's per annum. We also see further sanctimonious claptrap when people wail on about the death of our babies after they are born when the sad reality is that those cases are little more than "very late term abortions". If a society says it is ok to kill your kids before it is born then the logical conclusion is that it is ok to kill them after they are born. In that way Abortion is the ultimate in child abuse while Clark says that the Death Penalty is the ultimate for of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
She make me sick